How to buy Arkadia Underground Deeds or AUD?
Where to find Arkadia Underground Deeds?
You can find Arkadia Underground Deeds in the auction in Entropia Universe. We will search for "Arkadia Underground" in the Estate Deeds Category on Planet Calypso. You can actually find them in any planet but Planet Calypso is known for being the hub for selling items because it is the oldest, and it has the most foot traffic. You can also recognize the name Arkadia which is from the Planet Arkadia. Deeds mean that the planet partner is sharing the profit from player activity to everyone owns deeds. The minimum payout is 0.01PED per deed every day guarantee.
Let's buy 10 Underground deeds for 1003.00PED - which comes to 100.30PED for each deed.
Let's check the market price for one deed. We can see that within days player bought an average of 82.65PED - so we are buying slightly higher. You would want to do more research and hunting for better prices. But for long term holding we can afford the extra cost.
Let's continue and purchase the lot of 10 deeds.
It is important to see that deeds can be stacked - and we see them in our inventory.
Congratulation now you have just learned how to purchase Arkadia Underground Deeds. Those deeds will generate 0.01PED each daily. I use PlayPointGames website to track deeds payment amount. It is free to sign up and is maintained by Entropia players.