How to buy Calypso Land Deed Trust?
Where to find Calypso Land Deed Trust?
To purchase shares in Entropia Universe you need to access it through the PED card in your inventory. Right Click on your wallet and select Entropia Exchange.
Double click on "Calypso Land Deed Trust" and you will see the next window open. Calypso Land Deed Trust or CLDT is located on Planet Calypso. It has shopping, player housing and plenty of missions to do. This is a great place for new and veteran players.
We can see all shares available to purchase sorted by price. Let's buy 1 shares around 35PED, and we can see that there are a lot available at that price.
Click on the "Buy" button on the bottom right of the window.
Change the quantity and click on the green check mark. The quantity modal will disappear.
Double-check the price and then click on the green check mark. You will see a confirmation window next.
We can check in our transaction history if we actually acquired those shares. This is also where you can see the payout amount and frequency.
Congratulation now you have just learned how to purchase Calypso Land Deed Trust. About 200 shares will generate 8.00PED every 2 weeks. I use PlayPointGames website to track shares payment amount. It is free to sign up and is maintained by Entropia players.
Disclaimer per Mindark: Issuing Authority for Calypso Land Deeds on the Entropia Exchange. Each CalypsoLand Deed receives a 1/6,000,000 share of Planet Calypso's planet partner revenue, distributed weekly.